Loving Yourself

Loving Yourself

We all know the importance of loving yourself. But how many of us do it unconditionally (and that means no beating yourself up when you make a mistake)? Anita Moorjani, author of the excellent book Dying to Be Me says, “Love yourself like your life depends on...

Fear, what is it good for?

At a most excellent kinesiology session I received this week, I discovered just how much fear I have been recently holding on to and how it was keeping me back. Much of my fear and challenge is to do with a perceived notion of lack, i.e lack of time, abundance etc....

Giving Candida the flick

For as long as I can remember I have had a proverbial sweet tooth Highlights of my childhood, apart from day trips to the beach slathered in Coppertone, were days perched on the kitchen stool  watching my mum make cakes. Whenever she made a cake she would make two...