
About Kinesiology


What is kinesiology?

Kinesiology is an astounding tool that lets your body talk for you. What I love about kinesiology is how it listens to your body’s own innate healing wisdom. Our bodies are amazing and they know what to do to keep us in optimal health, just as they know how to grow us from a few cells into an adult.

However, we sometimes find ourselves out of kilter and this is where kinesiology can help you get back in harmony. Kinesiology involves a lot of listening to you, the client, and together we look at the link between your emotions and their effect on your body. Kinesiology looks at the reasons behind any symptoms and it listens to your body, through gentle muscle testing, for the best way to restore balance.

How did kinesiology come about?

Kinesiology was developed in the 1960s by American chiropractor Dr George Goodheart MD.

Is kinesiology scientifically proven?

While there isn’t much scientific research to rely on, kinesiology has its roots in both Anatomy and Physiology and Traditional Chinese Medicine, from which people have benefited for 2,000 years. Much of kinesiology works with acupressure points and meridians. Whereas an acupuncturist will use needles to clear blockages or reduced energy flow in the body, kinesiologists use gentle massage and other techniques.

Frequently asked questions:

Where are you based? I  have a home clinic in Bellfield (which is next to Ivanhoe in Melbourne’s northern suburbs) and I work from here during the week – I also work via  Zoom, so we can connect wherever you are in the world.

Can I bring my baby or children? It’s okay if you need to bring your baby or children into your session, but it might not be ideal. You might be distracted from your own process and find yourself caring for your child, rather than fully caring for yourself. This is your time, remember, time to reconnect to you.

What happens in a session? You’ll be helped to relax and go to where your body needs some attention to re-balance. Through gentle muscle testing, your body will talk to me. You and your body are in charge of the session and we’ll only go where you feel comfortable. Your body will tell me what it needs to release and flow again. You might be really surprised at what your body says, or you might feel a deep resonance. You could feel a mixture of emotions. Tears might flow or you could feel a joyous release. All of this is your energy re-calibrating and it helps you to come back into balance.

How will I feel after a session? It’s my intent that you feel inspired, relaxed and more confident. More connected to what’s going on inside you. More able to thrive with the challenges of parenting. More patient and more loving towards yourself and your family. You might feel contemplative, because you’ve just gone deep into yourself. You might need to take some quiet time, to have a drink of water and rest a bit before going back to your daily activities. I’ll give you some tips on how to care for yourself deeply after your session.

I’d love to help you thrive. Kinesiology might be perfect for you if you:

  • Need to ease stress and anxiety
  • Want a deeper sense of relaxation
  • Want to feel more trust in your mothering ability
  • Are ready to heal the blocks to feeling more joy, love and connection
  • Need to feel supported and cared for
  • Want a safe, non-judgmental space to tell it like it is
  • Need to feel heard
  • Long for a deeper connection to your authentic and spiritual self

This probably won’t suit you if you:

  • Need logical proof about alternative therapies
  • Prefer a pharmaceutical treatment plan
  • Are uncomfortable outside the mainstream medical model
  • Don’t want to take responsibility for your own well being
  • Don’t believe we are all Divine beings

How to book

You can use my online booking system to find a time that suits you Or phone or text me on 0416 733 834 Or email [email protected]

Want to chat first?

If you’d like to meet me before you book and get a feel for who I am and if we’re on the same page, then book in a free 15 minute Zoom chat first.

What else can Kinesiology help with?

Kinesiology does not claim to treat named illnesses but we’ll work together to help you achieve the outcome you seek. It is perfect for working with the following issues:

  • Emotional issues
  • Relationship challenges
  • Setting and achieving of all sorts of personal goals such as being calmer or running a half marathon
  • Helping to restore or maintain equilibrium in your life

What does a typical session involve?

  • A session generally lasts for one hour
  • We will connect over Zoom.

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