
Kinesiology, Soul Centre Healing Hypnosis, The Liquid Crystals, Energy work, Emotional Embodiment, Melbourne, Zoom

Hello. I’m Anna Calandro, kinesiologist, past life regression hypnotherapist, emotional and energetic worker.

I support women to reconnect with their soul using a beautiful realm of healing energies: Soul Centre Healing Hypnosis, kinesiology, stone medicine, emotional embodiment, The Liquid Crystals and The Liquid Trees.

You are powerful beyond measure.

But you might not know that fully. Yet.

My passion is to guide women to find that power and to step onto the path that aligns with their soul. Sometimes, we have to journey through the dark night of the soul, pick ourselves up off the ground and meet whatever is rising within our hearts. And heal. But when we do, we begin to recognise who we really are and trust that we are the women who can achieve anything we put our hearts to. I work with women to:

  • Heal their emotional past, their old wounds, the old stories that move through our family, our lineage and past lives and limiting beliefs
  • To choose themselves and what they really need (which means we have to learn to put ourselves first!)
  • Speak their truth, unapologetically
  • To believe in their desires and bigger dreams for their life
  • To let go of judgment, over-giving, and people-pleasing
  • To create abundance for themselves and their families
  • To replenish and develop rituals of self-care and nurture
  • To rise up in their fierce power

I believe that when we heal ourselves, we not only expand the possibilities of our own lives but the lives of our children, our loved ones and our reach in the world. 

I offer journeys of healing for courageous women who are ready to step up and step forward. I offer these online via Zoom.