
Work with me

Claim Your Power Healing Journey

Are you feeling that life isn’t exactly going how you’d like it to go?

Do you feel that you have so much more to offer but not exactly sure of the next step?

Do you know exactly what needs to change but you need some guidance on how to do this?

I know what it feels like to want more for you life. To feel like our soul has big desires but we don’t believe we are the woman to create that life for ourselves. I also know what it feels like to be lost, alone and in the dark night of the soul. These moments in our life can be harrowing, but they are also guiding us to reconnect with who we are and our soul is speaking to us. When you’re held in a loving space, you can begin to hear your soul’s wisdom and start to make decisions for your highest potential. You can heal your heart and welcome in loving relationships. I work with brave and sensitive women, who feel it is time to heal deeply in their hearts and be brave enough to express what they really desire. Together we will release and shift whatever may be standing in your way of your soul’s path. Through the peaceful and respectful art of emotional embodiment, energetic healing and kinesiology, I will be led by you and your innate wisdom about what you are ready to release. I will hold sacred and non-judgemental space for you as I guide you through this process. We will journey through your chakras, your emotions, your soul realm. We will use the healing powers of The Liquid Crystals and The Liquid Trees, your own intuition and vibrational medicine. In the Claim your Power Healing journey, we work to: +  Heal your emotional past, the old wounds and old stories that move through your family, your lineage and past lives +  To choose yourself and what you really need (which means we have to learn to put ourselves first!) +  Speak your truth, unapologetically +  To believe in your desires and bigger dreams for your life +  To let go of judgment, over-giving and people-pleasing +  To create abundance for yourself and your family +  To replenish and develop rituals of self-care and nurture +  To rise up in your fierce power

Claim Your Power 7 Session Healing Journey

Through working with so many beautiful women, I’ve found that healing our hearts and rising into our power is a journey that takes time. That’s why I offer a unique 7 session kinesiology & healing journey. In this program, you will receive 7 kinesiology healing sessions, which can include emotional healing and embodiment, spiritual guidance, liquid crystal medicine, chakra wisdom, crystal upgrades and deep space holding. Depending on your experiences and the nature of your transformation, these sessions will either be weekly or fortnightly. Investment: $840 upfront or 4 payments of $230 Format: In person in my Bellfield clinic or online via Zoom.

3 Session Healing Journey

If you would like to receive an introductory kinesiology healing 3 session package, you may book in below. Investment: 3 x 60 minute sessions: $400 Format: Online via Zoom.

Want to chat first?

If you’d like to meet me before you book and get a feel for who I am and if we’re on the same page, then book in for a free 15 minute Zoom chat.


Precious New Mama Nurture Journey

Three gentle yet powerful kinesiology sessions to ease your stress, reconnect to yourself and help you feel supported again.

You’re a gentle, devoted mum. You probably practice attachment parenting, maybe you breastfeed or co-sleep. You give so much, because you want your kids to grow into their best possible selves.

You know how important nurture and care is in the early years of life. But you’re also feeling pretty overwhelmed. So much responsibility, so little time to yourself. Not to mention social isolation, anxiety and feeling so wired that you can’t even relax.

As much as you love being a mum, sometimes you grieve your old life. You feel like your connection to yourself is gone. And you don’t know how to get it back. I’m here to help you do just that. The issue is, you’re giving so much to others, and so little to yourself. I know how we mums lose out by putting ourselves last. I used to be the same. I lost my self-confidence when I became a mum. I constantly doubted whether I was good enough. My self-esteem hit rock bottom, and eventually, my kids started taking on my stress. I spent so much time meeting my family’s needs, I forget I had needs of my own.

Kinesiology transformed me and my family from anxious and overwhelmed to relaxed and more easy-going. We’re not perfect by any means. We still have our ups and downs, but we’re more able to go with the flow. What I realised is that we mums need to fill ourselves up. We love others better by loving ourselves first.

How would it feel to be more relaxed at home? How would it feel to be more in tune with who you are, and what you need? How would that change you and your family? I invite you to experience the deeply healing and soulfully connecting experience of my Precious Mama Nurture Journey. Over three 90 minute kinesiology sessions you’ll ease your stress, reconnect to yourself, and feel supported again.

How to book

Depending on your experiences and the nature of your transformation, these sessions will either be weekly or fortnightly. Investment: 3 x 90 minute sessions for $500 (saving $50) or $200 per 90 minute session. Format: Online via Zoom.

Want to chat first?

If you’d like to meet me before you book and get a feel for who I am and if we’re on the same page, then book in for a free 15 minute Zoom chat.

Now, you might be thinking “I don’t deserve this.”

Especially when there are things your kids need right now. I used to think the same thing. Then I realised that taking good care of myself is the best thing I can do for my family. When my kids see me happy, relaxed and doing loving things for myself, it helps them do and be the same. And isn’t that we all want?

Or maybe you think you just don’t have time for this. Well, here’s the thing: taking time for yourself actually helps you be there for your family. Rather than feeling burned-out all the time, you can enjoy being present with them, and yourself. Isn’t that worth taking time for?

What about if you think you can’t afford it? Try looking at it this way. You’re making an investment in your wellbeing, which ripples out to your family. As your stress levels go down, and your love and connection goes up, what is that worth to you? How would that change things for you? I also used to be worried about spending the money. But eventually I decided it was an investment in my family’s wellbeing. Too important not to make.

So feel into whether or not you’d like some more support, and if making the investment is right for you. And if you think you don’t need any help, that’s fine. But sometimes the first step is realising that you may need a bit of support.

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