Thanks to greyerbaby for photo

Letting yourself shine (photo by greyerbaby)

At a most excellent kinesiology session I received this week, I discovered just how much fear I have been recently holding on to and how it was keeping me back. Much of my fear and challenge is to do with a perceived notion of lack, i.e lack of time, abundance etc. But here’s the kicker, these negative thoughts are just programs running on a loop which don’t do me any good at all.

According to Russ Harris in his great book The Happiness Trap, since caveman days our brains were hardwired to survive in a world fraught with danger. We needed to belong to the tribe and not be eaten by saber-toothed tigers.  Fast forward  one hundred thousand years and our brains are still hardwired to look out for things which may harm us. We’re not now dodging woolly mammoths. “Instead it’s losing our jobs, being rejected, getting a speeding ticket, embarrassing ourselves in public, getting cancer, or a million and one other common worries.  As a result we spend a lot of time worrying about things that, more often than not, never happen, ” writes Harris.

So what can we do about these niggling fears?  One way is to just listen to them, thank them but also say, “Actually, I’m not buying into that anymore.”  The less you listen to the voice of fear the more likely it is to quieten down.  Another way is to give me a call and have a kinesiology session to get to root of those fears and let your true self shine.