
If you have seen my couch and accompanying rug, you know that I just love colour. And generally for me: the brighter, the better.
You may have heard that every colour has a vibration. So colour is not just pretty to look at, it can also affect how you feel. Chinese restaurants are big on this. Red stimulates appetite. Feng shui says that each direction of the compass has a particular colour to enhance whatever is placed in that part of the room.
Also, if you’re into looking after your chakras, you’ll know that each chakra, or energy centre, has an ascribed colour. The base chakra is red, while the heart chakra is green. If you feel that one of your chakras needs a boost it always helps to surround yourself with that particular colour.
In kinesiology we offer something called a colour balance. We believe that colours can have both a negative or positive effect on you. Say you were schooled in a classroom with green walls and had a less than pleasant educational experience. You may then have an aversion to that particular green and this is something that can be balanced in a kinesiology session. Or maybe, being a Melbournian, you heavily favour wearing black. Adding certain colours to your wardrobe (even if it’s only underwear) may leave you pleasantly surprised.
I remember hearing once that nature never makes mistakes. It effortlessly blends purples or blues with yellow and it works beautifully. So be bold with your colour choices and enjoy all that they offer.